February 22nd, 2009

BBD#17: Potato Bagel Stars

When I see the topic of the 17. Bread Baking Day this recipe came directly to my mind. I was thinking about trying it for a longer time, I just had no opportunity untill now. I knew the methode to form the stars allready from Bertinets “Dough”.  Its so stunning, how two simple cuts could have such a nice effect!

For cooking the potatos I used this time the microwave. Its a simple trick, my collogues use for cooking potatos for lunch at work. Just wash the potatos and then pierce them with a fork for four or five times. Then put the wet potatos to a plate, suitable for microwaves, cover them and cook them at 750 Watt for 2 to 5 minutes, depending on their size.


yield15 stars


250g flour(Type 550)

125g water

2g yeast


all of the preferment

350g flour(Type 550)

225g water

12g salt

10g yeast

35g honey

200g mashed potatos



Mix flour, water and yeast for the preferment and ferment it at a warm place for about 2 to 3 hours. Combine the preferment with the other incredients for the dough and mix untill the dough is smooth but not sticky and leave the sides of the bowl (about 10 min) . Rest for 30 min.

After resting weigh pices a 80g and form them to Bowls. Now use an old creditcard (i put the Creditcard to the dishwasher to clean them before) to make a cut in the middle of the dough. Rotate the card 1/3 and cut again, repeat it for a third time, leaving six points in the middle. Turn the dough inside out, so the points are now outside, forming a star.

Let rest for one hour (or in fridge overnight).

Boil Water with two spoons sugar and put  the bagels in the water, one at a time. Boil one minute at each side.

Lay the bagels to a baking tray and top them with sesame

Bake at 200°C for around 15 min.

7 Responses t_on BBD#17: Potato Bagel Stars

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  4. Lien February 22nd, 2009

    What a wonderful looking bagels. I love that starmaking trick from Bertinet too! Thanks for entering this BBD#17!


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