2 Gedanken zu sin-die-weck-weg

  1. Konrad 29. April 2019

    Hi, I’ve noticed that in many recipes for sweet enriched rolls you recommend to use steam (even for the whole duration of baking ?). This seams unusual to me and the only other place I’ve seen it is ploetzblog. Could you explain the reason behind it? I have a problem that my buns are too soft on the sides but well baked top and bottom. I’m hoping that your method could help me with that.

    1. Stefanie 29. April 2019

      @Konrad: In my experience, using steam for sweet bread yields better results (volume and crust).
      Using steam for baking had in general two effects: Keeping the surface moist (not essential for sweet bread brushed with egg) and to enhance heat transfer. When hot steam condenses on a cold surface, the heat is transfered to the bread and can so enhance the oven spring.
      Your problem with the soft sides sounds more of an space issue to me. Try leaving a bigger space between the buns so the heat can reach all sides.


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