March 9th, 2017


Gersterbrot (3)When I asked for suggestions of regional traditional Bread one bread on top of the list of favourites was Gersterbrot. This bread stems from the region around Hanover and Bremen and it is really special as it is  flambéd after forming the loaves. This seals the crust and adds dark speckles all over the bread. Both lead to a bread with a hearty flavour and beautiful crisp crust. And it enhances shelf live as well as the thick crust prevents the moisture from evaporating.

To flambé the loaf properly I bought a small blazing torch as it develops more heat then a flambé torch. And when I flambéd the bread I took care that the surface below was fire proof! And I had a wet towel near just in case… But everything worked perfectly fine, no kitchen on fire, just a beautiful bread with a fine crumb and the thin crust – just as it has to be!




yields 2 Breads of 750g


  • 200g Rye flour Type 1150
  • 100g Whole Rye flour
  • 300g Water
  • 30g Sourdough


  • Sourdough
  • 500g Rye flour Type 1150
  • 200g flour Type 550
  • 420g Water
  • 20g Salt

In the evening mix water, flour and starter for the sourdough and ferment for about 13 –16 hours at 25°C.

Mix all ingredients for the dough  and mix well (about 3-5 min at low speed).

Ferment for 30 min.

Form in two oval breads and let rest for 20 min. Then brush with water and flambé until the surface shows black speckles. Place in a greased bread pan.

Proof for about 90 min under a wet towel.

In the meantime heat the the oven to  250°C.

Brush the bread with , slash it three times diagonal and once lengthwise and place it in the oven. Bake at 250°C, insert steam after 30 seconds. Remove the steam after 10 min and reduce the temperaure to 190°C. Bake for another 40 min.

7 Responses t_on Gersterbrot

  1. KATY November 19th, 2019

    Das Brot schmeckt ganz wunderbar!! Ich habe es nicht abgeflämmt, da wir weder Löt- noch Unkrautbrenner im Haus haben.

    1. Stefanie November 19th, 2019

      @Katy: Super, das freut mich! Und selbst der Brenner ist ja nur eine “Notlösung”. Eigentlich bräuchte man ein kräftig brennendes Holzfeuer, um es “orginalgetreu” zu gerstern 😉

  2. Daniela H. April 25th, 2017

    Meinst du das müsste auch mit so einem Creme-Brulee-Brenner klappen so einen hätte ich nämlich zuhause 😀
    lg Daniela

    1. Stefanie April 25th, 2017

      @Daniela: Das sollte auch klappen, du wirst mit der kleinen Flamme nur wahrscheinlich deutlich länger draufhalten müssen.

  3. lala March 14th, 2017

    Das sieht sehr gut (und wie das Original) aus, da werden Heimatgefühle wach..mein Mann meint, ich könnte das Flämmen doch im Hof mit dem Unkrautbrenner machen ;-)) – mal sehen..


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