Daily Archives: 17th August 2009

August 17th, 2009

BBD#23: Pretzels

BretzelnNick of IMAfoodblog choosed a simple – but also difficult- theme for Bread Baking Day : “Something You’ve Never Made Before.” It is a simple theme because there are a lot of recipes I altways want to try – the difficult part was to pick one recipe.

After some musing I decided to try pretzels. Real pretzels made with real caustic lye of soda like the pretzels my grandparents always brought after visiting relatives in swabia. This pretzels are my standard with which I compare every pretzel.

I do some Internet research for a recipe, but at the end I decided to use the recipe in Michael Suas “Advanced Bread and Pastry”. The recipe use poolish, what it is not original for sure, but none of the recipes in the book I tried untill now failed. The only thing I miss in the recipe was how long I should place the pretzels in the lye. Continue reading