Daily Archives: 8th February 2009

February 8th, 2009

Cacao buns

Our local baker has delicous sweet buns called “Kakaoweckchen”.  They have a core of dark cacaodough surrounded with white dough. The cacaodough break through the cut on the top of the bun, giving an impressive effect.

At my last breakfast in the café belonging to the bakery I thougt about how to make this buns by my own. I decided to use the “sweet dough” from Bertinets “Dough” as a basis. The only change I made was using a preferment. After finishing kneading, I mix half of the dough with some cacao and water, but that did not work so well, so the next time, I would make two batches of dough, mixing the cacao with the flour directly. Continue reading