July 9th, 2011


PavlovaWhy did I wait so long until I tried this recipe? I don’t know! It is a simple recipe with three components that promise dessert heaven on earth: Meringue, cream and fresh fruits. And like Eton Mess  the magic of pavlova consists of this mixture of crunchy and soft, sweet and sour and this made the dessert irresistible.

I saw Pavlovas on many food blogs before: Claudia bake them, and Paule, Nicky and Barbara made them some time ago, too. And every time I read one of their posts I thought: I have to try this! But I didn’t do it until this weekend. When we bought some delicious berries (strawberries, blueberries and raspberries) I decided that they would be great for a pavlova.

I like the miniature version of the dessert that Claudia bake and so I decided to do single portion pavlovas with a diameter of only 10 cm and a little pit in the middle to keep the cream.

The recipe is really simple only waiting for the meringue to bake/dry takes some time. And you will be rewarded with a delicious dessert for your patient waiting! A great recipe for the summer!


yields 4 small Pavlovas


  • 2 egg whites
  • 100g sugar
  • 1 Tsp. vinegar


  • 100g cream
  • 15g sugar
  • 200g Berries of the season

Whip egg whites until soft peaks. Add the sugar gradually and whip until the sugar is dissolved. At the end add the vinegar.

Using a tablespoon form four round merinuges with a diameter of about 10 cm with a little pit in the middle.

Bake at 120°C for one hour. Let cool down after baking.

Whip the cream with sugar until soft peaks, put it on the meringue and decorate with berries. Serve immediately.

7 Responses t_on Pavlova

  1. jan o'leary` June 28th, 2013

    Stephanie, I have been reading and reading. I now know what the pate fermentee is!! The recipe directions weren’t in english until I got to the pastry cream. I shall find someone to translate for me. I took German in high school, but that was too long ago! Thank you for getting back to me! Jan

    1. Stefanie June 28th, 2013

      @Jan o’leary: I just checked in the recipe. Very strange that a part of the english description vanished, maybe it happens when we moved the blog last month. I have corrected it, so I hope everything is now fine again 😀

  2. Paule July 10th, 2011

    “Warum habe ich eigendlich solange gebraucht, um dieses Rezept nachzubacken?” genau diese Frage habe ich mir beim ersten Bissen auch gestellt 😉 Ein Traum von einem Dessert, mit dem man wirklich jeden Gast überzeugen und begeistern kann. LG


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