April 3rd, 2015

Bread Baking for Beginners VII: Soy yoghurt roll

Sojajoghurt-Brötchen (1)

Today we jump back once again to simple recipes without preferment because I got some mails asking if the sourcream or yoghurt can be replaced somehow to make the recipe free of lactose or vegan. The obvious idea was to replace the yoghurt with soy yoghurt and that was what I was suggesting. But I don’t like to advice something I did not tested and so I bought some soy yoghurt. And just repeating a recipe is borrowing and so I started to create a new recipe.  It contains a bit of rye flour which adds a hearty note to its flavour, the soy yoghurt give subtle sourness to the rolls. The crust is crisp, the crumb soft. And I can say that exchanging yoghurt with soy yoghurt works perfectly well!


Soy yoghurt rolls

yields 10 rollsSojajoghurt-Brötchen (2)

  • 400g Soy yoghurt
  • 10g fresh yeast
  • 10g Salt
  • 25g Oil
  • 100g whole rye flour
  • 400g flour Type 550

Knead all ingredients for the dough for 10 min by hand. The dough should be now soft, but not sticky.

Let the dough rise over night in the fridge (or for 1 hour at room temperature).

Divide the dough into 80g portions. Flatten the dough a little bit and start to fold the dough in the middle. Repeat until a springy ball has formed.  Turn it with the seamside down and roll it to a long shape. (For more experienced persons: lay a piece of dough in front of you and lay your hand on the dough. Start to circle your hand fast while bending the hand slowly, to create tension on the dough. At the end the roll should be nicely round and springy. On the bottom, a little hole will form- Now roll it to a long shape)

Allow them to relax for about 15min, press them down gently and cut them lengthwise very deeply, about 3/4 through the roll. Lay the cut together once again and turn the rolls on the cut.

Proof for 35 min.

Preheat the oven to 250°C.

Turn the rolls, so that the cut side face upside once again, and place them on a paper lined baking tray. Mist with water and bake with steam for about 20 min at 250°C. For really crisp rolls turn to convection mode during the last 5 min.

5 Responses t_on Bread Baking for Beginners VII: Soy yoghurt roll

  1. Michaela February 16th, 2019

    Liebe Stefanie,
    ich LIEBE deine Anfängerrezepte. Das Buch liegt permanent in der Küche – ich habe vorne angefangen und backe mich fröhlich nach hinten durch 🙂
    Der Sojajoghurt-Brötchen- Teig steht nun im Kühlschrank für morgen. Allerdings war er schon noch klebrig am Ende, auch nach mehr als 10 Minuten kräftigem Kneten… Hast du eine Idee, woran es liegen oder wie ich es noch regulieren kann?
    Sonnige Grüße,

    1. Stefanie February 17th, 2019

      @Michalea: Wahrscheinlich hat dein Mehl dieses Mal einfach etwas weniger Feuchtigkeit aufnehmen können. Das ist kein Drama, macht nur beim Formen und einschneiden weniger Spass 😉 Falls sie sich nicht gut einschneiden lassen, kannst du sie auch wie hier beschrieben formen.

  2. Tanja April 10th, 2015

    Hi Stefanie. super Rezept!! Habe ich heute ausprobiert und alles lief genau nach Plan. 🙂
    Ich freue mich, dass Du auch vegane Rezepte hast / machst! Bin gespannt auf Weiteres…
    Vielen Dank dafür!

    Liebe Grüße, Tanja

  3. T Dust April 3rd, 2015

    Dear Stefanie,

    I enjoy making your recipes, especially breakfast rolls and bagels. However, we do not eat eggs. I was wondering if you have a recipe for eggless dough suitable for cinnamon buns or poppy seed rolls. I have tried egg replacers but the dough does not rise properly, I assume because of the butter and sugar in the dough.

    Thank you.

    T Dust


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