Daily Archives: 22nd September 2019

September 22nd, 2019

Swedish Blackbread with Coffee

In one of my baking course a participant told me about a bread with coffee she ate in Sweden this summer. The idea of swedish breads with coffee are not strange for me. In a Swedish blog I like Sara from Sara Bakar bake already one or two breads with coffee. But I got hooked only now. And so I created a coffee blackbread based on my familiy’s favourite  blackbread. And I have to say, the resulting bread was mindblowing! My dearest, who normally never touch a bread with dried fruits, eats so much of it, that one loaf vanished in a blink.

But one could tell what my secret ingredients was. The coffee adds a incredible round flavour with its roasted notes but is barely recognizable. The amount of molasse is moderate so it is well balanced between sour and sweet. And so the bread is great with Cheese – especially with a young goat cheese. But honey or purists version with only fresh butter is dream as well!

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