Category Archives: Bread Baking Day

July 27th, 2009

BBD#22: Streuselblatz mit Haselnüssen

100_8702 Als Blatz bezeichnet man im Rheinland süßes Hefebrot. In Kölner Bäckereien findet man leckere Variationen mit Rosinen, Haselnüssen oder eingebackenen Zuckerstücken, die im Teig schmelzen, zur Weihnachtszeit auch mit Orangat und Zitronat. Besonders köstlich ist aber der Streuselblatz der Bäckerei Schmitz & Nittenwilm, den ich mir, als ich noch an der Kölner Stadtgrenze wohnte, immer geholt habe. Leider gehörte er immer zu den Spezial-Angeboten, die nur selten, ein oder zwei Mal im Jahr für kurze Zeit im Angebot waren, so dass man nie wußte, wann es diese Köstlichkeit das nächste Mal gibt.

Und hier im Oberbergischen haben wir zwar einen Bäcker, der sich auf sehr guten Mohn-Streusel-Kuchen versteht, aber auf meinen Streuselblatz muss ich verzichten.

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July 6th, 2009

Anouncing BreadBakingDay #22: Sweet Breads

breadbakingday22To my great delight Zorra from “1x umrühren bitte” asked me to host this month BreadBakingDay!

Bread Baking Day is a monthly event featuring bread and was created two years and 1 month ago from Zorra. We had a great Pizza-Party last month to celebrate its second birthday. Please visit the mouthwatering round-up on Zorras blog!
I thought long about the theme of this month and at the end I came back to my first thought: Sweet Breads. Although I love a good slice of whole grain bread for lunch or dinner, I prefer sweet bread for breakfast (especially on weekends).
So I would like to meet for a virtual breakfast with you and everyone brings the sweet bread she or he likes. You can bring Challahs, Blatz (a german sweet bread), Croissants, sweet buns … choose whatever you like (as long as it is bread and sweet 😉 ), then bake it and blog about it.

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June 8th, 2009

BBD#21: Pizzadough with Poolish

My pizza dough was fermenting in the kitchen, when I thought: lets check the theme for BBD#21! And then I could not belive my eyes: Zorra choosed for the second anniversary of Bread Baking Day the theme Pizza-Party ! Cool, I never had my post for BBD ready so early in the month! 😀

We have pizza ver regular since we have our small pizza oven Alfredo. He is a hot-blooded fellow and can heat up to 450°C (thats 842°F !) so he can compete with a real pizzeria oven. I found him while reading in a forum and fell in love with him immidiatly. Before we own the pizzaoven, I had to heat the bread baking stone for one hour before I could bake two pizzas! My ecological consience scold me every time because of the waste of energy. Alfrdo needs about 10 min to heat up and every Pizza needs just 4 min untill it is done. When I think about preparing dough in advance it is even possible to get a pizza when we came home lately from univeristy without order it somewhere. Continue reading

May 25th, 2009

BBD#20: 4 grains bread with mixed seeds

The theme for Bread Baking Day No. 20 is “Multigrain Breads”. That is a perfect theme for me because I love the gain of flavor that the diffrent typs of grain give to the bread.

My first plan was to bake a bread containing a mixture of diffrent kinds of rice. I have a very nice mixture containing wild rice, red rice from camargue and unpolished rice. But while this mixture is delicious as a part of a meal, it get lost in the bread. Both the red rice and the unpolished rice could not stand up against the wholemeal wheat dough, neither in taste nor look. Only the wild rice gave nice dark spots in the bread. So I end up with quite normal tasting wholegrain bread, that did not live up to its promise. But luckily I had a Plan B: 4-grain-Bread containing wheat, spelt, corn (as polenta) and cooked oat, and my favorite mixture of seeds: Pumpkin seed, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds and sesame. I baked this bread before and know, that it taste delicious. Continue reading

April 25th, 2009

BBD#19: Pain d’Epi

I promise to bake some bread for an Easter-Dinner with my parents. It’s been a long time since I baked Baguette, and there are so many nice recipes in “Advanced Bread and Pastry” that I had not to think about what kind of bread I want to bake.

The recipe I choosed worked fine and forming the baguettes was easly done. But when I tried to put the first Baguette to my peel, I realized that it was to big! But thats no problem, I thought, the oven is longer than the peel. I take second peel to support the part of the bread that did not fit to the peel and  transported the bread to the oven. When I had the baguette halfway on the stone I realized that the oven was to small for my baguette, too! I pushed the loave somehow into the oven, produzing a funny bended bread that deserve not the name baguette. Continue reading

March 16th, 2009

BBD#18: Chapati

felt really troubled when I saw the topic of BBD#18: Quick Breads. My first though was: “But I never do quick breads. I do not LIKE quick breads.”

And the suggested variant Soda-Bread I tried once and did not like to repeat it. Bread means to me yeast and time, a lot of time! And the other recommendations like muffins, wafles and pancakes are for me no breads either, but something like cake. But this weekend I baked muffins, so I send the post to Fun & Food Blog

But then, while preparing an indian dinner, it dawns on me: chapati are quick breads! So good, that it is allowed to hand in two posts!

The recipe is in cups, what is unusual for me. But the recipe calls for cups, and that is unusual for me, too, I followed the recipe. 😉 Continue reading