August 2nd, 2013

Brewer Bread with Whey

There was no bread left in our freezer, the drawer was completly empty, all the bread was eaten! So it rtime to stock it up again! But what should I bake? Looking around in the kitchen I rembered my spent grain flour and decided to bake a brewer bread once again. It is always amazing […]

June 13th, 2013

Spent grain rolls

Why did I take so long until I publish this recipe? I don’t know. Sometimes, when I’m short in time, I note down the  recipe and take a photo but do not blog it. And when time pass, the recipe vanish in the blog nirvana. And that’s what happend to this spent grain rolls recipe. […]

March 1st, 2013


Last week Lutz baked Baguettes, inspired from a post of MC about her visit in different bakeries in Paris. This bakeries belong both to the best of France. Lutz used the discription of their baguette dough to build his own recipe. And so baking baguettes was on the top of my to do list for […]

February 12th, 2013

Spent Grain Flour

If you, like me, do not like to waste food, then you too has to think sometimes about recipes to use leftovers or byproducts. Such a byproduct is the spent grain, a leftover from our homebrewing. I added a part of it directly to a bread and dried the remaining spent grain overnight in the […]