Tag Archives: Cardamom

November 7th, 2010

Christstollen – delicious and moist


Christmas seems to be still far far away. You could buy Spektulatius and Lebkuchen in the supermarket since months but I ignore this fact since month, too. For me it is still autumn!

But then I realize that in three (!) weeks we have the first Sunday in Advent and that I have to bake christstollen right now if I plan to serve a christstollen infused with all the flavours that only three or four weeks of storing can create.

And so I bake again the same recipe like last year – the one I invented for a super moist stollen. The Taste of it is great: some vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom and mace fused with raisins and candid orangepeel and citron peel. Make sure to buy the best ingredients you get, the quality of the ingredients affect the quality of the stollen!

For the recipe, please look at my last years post here.

October 10th, 2010

Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

Kürbis-ZimtschneckeOther Blogs are already in the middle of the pumpkin weeks but in our kitchen apples are still the main actors. That is maybe due to the reason that pumpkin is not the favourite vegetable from all of us. Especially when I mention pumpkin soup I have to deal with a strong resistance.

But that was no reason for me not to try every pumpkin the pumpkin seller offers me at the harvest festival in our open-air museum. His favorite blue muscat pumpkin could not win me over but the “Australian Butternut” was my kind of squash. The green colour of its skin made me curios because it differed so much to the yellowish butternuts I know. And the flesh under the green skin was deep orange, nutty and slightly sweet. That was my kind of pumpkin without question.

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September 5th, 2010

Vanilla Cardamom Fans

Vanille Kardamon FächerLast Sunday we visit my sister in the new house. Because “it’s always good to have some pastry during renovation” (that’s what my sister told me early on the phone) I decided to bring something sweet.

I was longing for something fluffy yeasted pastry. So I thought first of my favourite braid filled with nuts. But then I remembered that my parents would join us, too and my mum suffers of lactose and fructose intolerance. So the braid was out of question, we need something without milk and nuts.

So I started to think: What happened when I just leave out the nuts? Then I would end up with dried breadcrumbs as filling. Hmmm. Bread crumb as filling sounded a little bit strange. But on the other hand we eat noodles with sugar and bread crumbs as children, and we liked it. So I give the idea a try and the filling worked out just fine.

Seasoned with Cardamom and Vanilla nobody missed the nuts. And its a good way to used up dried breadcrumbs. Continue reading

March 28th, 2010


canelsnurrer (2)Die Schneckenplage geht weiter! Nach den leckeren Kakaoschnecken gab es bei Küchenlatein inzwischen Zimtschnecken in drei Varianten. Die verschlungen Canelsnurrer fand ich besonders schön. Und als ich bei Pain de Martin ein sehr ähnliches Rezept sah, bekam ich den Gedanken an diese Zimtwirbel nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Gestört hat mich allerdings bei beiden Rezepten die für meine Geschmack zu hohe Hefemenge. Also habe ich ein wenig gebastelt, und meine eigene Variante entworfen.

Damit die Hefe Trieb entwickeln kann, ohne von der hohen Zucker- und Buttermenge gestört zu werden, habe ich den Poolish, Mehl, Wasser und Hefe gemischt und ca 35 min gehen lassen, bevor die restlichen Zutaten hinzugefügt werden. Zucker und Butter werden erst gegen Ende der Glutenentwicklung hinzugefügt, da diese die Glutenentwicklung beeinträchtigen. Continue reading

March 12th, 2010

Cacao rolls – Kakaós csigák

Kakaoschnecken (4)They are baked in so many german Food-Blogs at the Moment : Anikós cacao rolls. It took me a while to jump on this bandwagon because I have a lot of work in lab but last weekend I managed somehow to bake them. And I can just repeat that everyone said before: They are divine. Fluffy with the taste of semisweet chocolate, just what you need when you come home after working most of Sunday in lab.

I changed the recipe a little bit (Am I always writing this sentence? I fear that I do this.) The biggest change is that I double the sugar amount in the dough because Zorras mentioned in her post that the rolls are not sweet enough. Then I used a pâte fermentée, but I am sure that the recipe will work without it, too. And then I add a little bit of cardamom into the filling, like Hedonistin did. Continue reading