May 30th, 2010

Granola Bars


Last week Steph of Kleiner Kuriositätenladen baked granola bars for the Blogevent “Essen für Unterwegs” (which I hosted this month). Her recipe contains cranberries but no nuts. I wanted my own granola bars, but I wanted something with nuts, something with almonds and apricots.

So I did a research at Tastespotting and after reading some recipes I had a plan. I combined details of different recipes: oat meal, rolled oats, almonds, apricots, some seeds. Then I add some egg white to the mixture to improve the texture.

When pressing the mixture into the pan I realized that I have no patient for this mini dough rollers. I prefer the following method: Cover the mixture with Clingfilm and press firm with the hands. Remove the Clingfilm before baking ;-).

To cut the bars I followed the advice in some recipes and let the baked granola plate cool down, then freeze them for one hour. After this cutting was very easy! The Granola bars are a perfect snack in the afternoon, when I need some new energy.

Granola Bars

  • 400g rolled Oats
  • 100g rolled Oats, ground to flour in a food processor
  • 150g Sunflower seeds
  • 150g Almonds, roughly chopped
  • 75g Flax seeds
  • 200g Dried Apricots
  • 100g Honey
  • 180g Sugar
  • 20g Molasses
  • 50g Maple syrup
  • 1 Vanilla bean
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 Pinch Salt

Ground 100g rolled Oats in a food processor to flour and cut apricots in small pieces. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl, then add the egg white and mix it well with the dry ingredients. Boil honey, sugar, maple syrup, molasses with the spices and melt the butter in this mixture. Now mix everything well. Fill in a paper lined casserole and bake for about 40 min at 175°C.

Let cool down and chill it for 1 hour in the freezer. Place the granola plate on a firm surface and cut into bars. Store the granola bars in a airtight container.

6 Responses t_on Granola Bars

  1. Martina September 3rd, 2017

    Hallo Stefanie,
    sehr lecker, deine Müsliriegel. Ich hab aber statt 2 Eiweiß 1 Ei reingemacht, weil ich keine Verwendung für die Eigelbe hatte. Warum benutzt di nur Eiweiß?
    Lieber Gruß, Martina

    1. Stefanie September 3rd, 2017

      @Martina: Das Eiweiß allein macht den Riegel etwas fester und stabiler als ganze Eier.

  2. zorra June 14th, 2010

    Oh, die gefallen mir noch besser als die von Steph, da ich Mandeln und Aprikosen liebe. Auch gespeichert. 😉

  3. Stefanie June 3rd, 2010

    @Katrin: Soll ich dir am Wochenende welche mitbringen?
    @Steph: Apfelriegel klingen auch gut! Müsliriegel scheinen ansteckend zu sein 🙂

  4. Steph June 3rd, 2010

    Aha, Du bist auch im Müsliriegel-Fieber 🙂
    Bei mir sind als nächstes Apfelriegel dran, mal schaun, was ich da alles rein mische.


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