October 31st, 2015


Reformationsbrötchen (1)I can not tell how I learn about the Reformationsbrötchen (reformation rolls). But the idea somehow stuck in mind and so I had to bake them just in time for the 31. October (Reformation day).

This rolls originate from the area around Leipzig and are baked in Saxony, Thüringen and Saxony-Anhalt. It is made from a buttery yeast dough enriched with a lot of raisins, candid orange and lemon peel and almonds. The square form with the red jam in the middle is said to symbolize either the Luther rose, the seal of Martin Luther, or a bishops hat.

My variant is made with a biga preferment for a complex flavour and is rich with raisins and almonds. The candid orange and lemon peel I added in a smaller amount. The crumb is soft and moist due to cream and butter and the tart cherry jam is a great counterpoint to the sweetness of the dough and fruits. A great pastry for the last day of October.




yields 14 Rolls


  • 80g flour Type 550
  • 40g Water
  • 0,5g fresh yeast

Dry fruits

  • 200g Raisins
  • 25g candid orange peel, chopped finely
  • 25g candid lemon peel, chopped finely
  • 100g chopped almonds
  • 300g orange juice
  • some flour for dusting


  • Biga
  • 420g Biga Type 550
  • 150g cream
  • 135g Water
  • 10g fresh yeast
  • 4g Salt
  • seeds of 1/2 Vanilla bean
  • 1 Pinch cinnamon
  • 1 Pinch Macis
  • 1 Pinch cardamom
  • 75g sugar
  • 60g Butter


  • 200g cherry jam
  • powdered sugar

Mix all ingredients for the biag and let it ferment in the fridge for at least 16 hours.

Soak almonds, raisins and the candid lemon and orange peel in orange juice over night. Drain well the next morning and dust with some flour.

Knead all ingredients except sugar and butter for 5 min at slow speed. Then knead 7 min at fast speed. Now add the sugar in small increments and knead until the sugar is incoperated before adding the next sugar. At last add the butter all at once. Knead to full gluten development.  Knead in the drained fruits.

Let rise overnight in the fridge or  for one hour temperature plus 1 hour in the fridge.

Divide the dough into pieces of 100g each. Flatten each piece into a square with 10 cm length. Fold the tips into the middle and press the middle very well to form a little dent.

Reformationsbrötchen formen

Proof for 90 min. Press down the middle of the rolls and fill the dent with a teaspoon cherry jam. Now put one tray in a cold place (e.g. fridge) while the other one is baked.

After proofing brush again with egg and sprinkle with pearl sugar and almond slices. Bake at 180°C for about 40 min with steam.

Dust with powdered sugar before serving.

5 Responses t_on Reformationsbrötchen

  1. Annette October 22nd, 2021

    Liebe Stefanie,
    es ist mal wieder Zeit für deine leckeren Reformationsbrötchen. In diesem Zusammenhang möchte ich gern wissen, ob ich die Biga auch durch Lievito madre ersetzen kann.
    LG Annette

    1. Stefanie October 23rd, 2021

      @Annette: Ja, das kannst du. Du brauchst 120g Lievito madre für das Rezept.

  2. Annette Rolle October 31st, 2016

    Gestern habe ich deine Reformationsbrötchen nachgebacken. Sie sind ganz toll geworden, so locker und aromatisch, einfach Spitze :-)!
    Überhaupt wollte ich mich für die vielen Anregungen, die ich mir schon von deinem Blog geholt habe, bedanken.

  3. Micha October 31st, 2015

    Ich würde gerade so was von mit Appetit in so ein Brötchen beißen wollen – und die Rosinen würden mich keine Millisekunde schrecken!


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