September 13th, 2014

Autumn Streusel cake with Powidl

Herbstlicher StreuselkuchenWhen August changes into September it marks the beginning of autumn for me.

Now I start to search for my scarfs for the already cool, misty mornings and in the evening I will lit the first candles when the light goes down. Saying goodbye to the summer is not so hard for me, especially when between the cool morning and early evening lies a sunny, golden day. And when I can spent the light filled afternoon with a cup of hot tea together with a pieces of streusel cake filled with the autumn flavours of plum sauce and hazelnuts, then I will welcome autumn light-hearted!

Autumn Streusel cake with Powidl

Sweet Starter


  • Sweet Starter
  • 340g flour Type 550
  • 155g Milk
  • 50g sugar
  • 75g Butter
  • 60g Egg (1 egg size M)
  • 5g fresh yeast
  • 4g Salt
  • 1/4 Vanilla bean
  • 2g cardamom, frischly grounded



  • 300g flour Type 550
  • 100g hazelnuts, roasted and grounded
  • 250g Butter
  • 75g whole cane sugar
  • 125g sugar
  • 3g cinammon
  • a little bit water if needed

Mix the ingredients of the sweet starter and let it rise for 4 hours at 30°C. Alternative use a biga (see tip below).

Knead all ingredients except sugar and butter for 5 min at slow speed. Then knead 7 min at fast speed. Now add the sugar in small increments and knead until the sugar is incooperated before adding the next sugar. At last add the butter all at once. Knead to full gluten development.

Let rise for one hour.

Roll the dough to the size of the baking tray. Transfer the dough to the paper lined baking Tray, spread with powidl and top with Streusel.

Proof for about 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Bake at 180°C for about 35 min with steam.

Tip: If you want to use a biga instead of a sweet starter, mix 165 g flour Type 550, 80g water and 1g of fresh yeast. Let the biga ferment in the fridge for at least 16 hours.

6 Responses t_on Autumn Streusel cake with Powidl

  1. Linda August 30th, 2019

    Dieser Kuchen lohnt sich zu backen.
    Schmeckt sehr gut.
    Hab eine Hälfte mit Quittenmus bestrichen, was ebenfalls sehr gut passt.

  2. Walter August 30th, 2015

    @Stefanie, ist die TA 200 beim süßen Starter so gemeint? Sonst nimmst Du Doch immer TA 150… LG Walt

  3. Marlene September 21st, 2014

    Dein Streuselkuchen sieht sehr lecker aus, ein tolle Alternative, wenn es keine frischen Zwetschgen mehr gibt 😉

      1. Marlene September 22nd, 2014

        Ja genau 😉 ….hab mir auch gedacht, dass ich für diesen Kuchen ganz prima meine Restbestände aufbrauchen könnte 😉


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