Daily Archives: 29th June 2009

June 29th, 2009

Rolls with Poolish

I like bread recipes, in which the dough fermented in the fridge overnight. The bread developes then a aromatic taste and it is easy to have freshly baked bread for breakfeast. The hard roll recipe from Gerd was on top of my to Do list because it use poolish and cold fermentation, both good methods to gain a good taste.

My plan was to have fresh baked rolls for saturday breakfast. So I prepared the poolish on friday morning, knead the dough on friday evening, and formed and baked the rolls on saturday morning. I changed just one thing: I replaced the rye flour, because I have an intolerance against rye.

The rolls had an exellent taste and a nice crust, but they were not as fluffy as I like rolls. I prefer Ceriolas, But I think I will use this methode for my Baguettes. Continue reading