December 28th, 2011

Orange Swirls


Of course I did not only make a variation of Martins recipe, I although baked the dough with the orginale Orangefilling. I used the same dough as for the Saffron Stars,  again with reduced sugar amount. The Orange swirls are sweet enough with all the sugar in the filling.

The advantages of the long and slowly proofing over night I explained already at the Saffron-Star post, and so I will only speak how great the Orange swirls taste. They taste very intense of Orange, with hints of saffron and caramel. Maybe the saffron is not necessary in this recipe because the orange aroma is the central taste of this sweet pastry.

In my eyes you can eat it all the time: you can eat it as breakfast, as a snack with a cup of coffee, as lunch, as dinner…

Yes, I like this orange swirls very much!

Orange Swirls

yields about 10 swirls

Saffron mixture

  • 1 Bag Saffron threads (0,125g)
  • 10g sugar
  • 10g hot Water


  • Saffron mixture
  • 125g Water
  • 125g Milk
  • 450g flour Type 550
  • 3g Salt
  • 1g fresh yeast
  • 75g Butter
  • 40g sugar


  • 100g Butter
  • 75g Sugar
  • finely grated orange zests of 1 Orange


  • 50g sugar
  • 35g Water
  • 1/2 Vanilla bean

Grind the saffron with some sugar in a mortar, then add hot Water to the sugar-saffron mixture. Dissolve the yeast in milk. Add water, milk, saffron mixture flour and salt into a bowl and knead for 5 min at slow speed, then another 7 min at high speed . Because the sugar inhibits the gluten development, sugar is added just now. Add always a tablespoon at once and knead in between always for 1 min. At last add the butter all at once and knead until the butter is completely incooperated.

Ferment for two hours.

In the meantime prepare the filling: Cream butter, sugar, flour and finely grated orange zest.

Roll the dough to a square of 30 cm x 60 cms , spread one half with the filling and fold the other half over it. Cut int0 10 stripes of 3 cm x 30 cm. Twist each stripe, them wind it about two times around index finger and middle finger, then fold the loose end over the swirl.

Place the swirls on a paper lined tray, cover it with plastic foil (I used a clean plastic bag) and let them proof over night (about 8 hours).

The next morning bake at 220°C for about 15-17 min with steam.

For the Glaze bring water, pulp of the vanilla bean and sugar to boil and boil until the sugar syrup form threads when it drops from the spoon. Brush the still hot stars thinly with the syrup.

10 Responses t_on Orange Swirls

  1. Katrin April 12th, 2021

    Hallo Stefanie, bei mir ist der Teig immer sehr trocken. Ich nehme 100g Dinkelvollkornmehl und den Test Weizen (1050 oder 550).
    Die Knetmaschine schimpft immer..,was kann ich tun?
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Stefanie April 12th, 2021

      @Katrin: Bei Vollkornmehl und auch bei Type 1050 brauchst du etwas mehr Flüssigkeit, da es grundsätzlich ein fester Teig ist, kann ich gut verstehen, dass sich deine Maschine quält. Ich würde 20-30g mehr Flüssigkeit nehmen.

  2. Min April 21st, 2014

    I can imagine sinking my teeth into these rolls for breakfast tomorrow!
    How should I bake with steam, is it like adding a tray of water at the bottom level of the oven?

    1. Stefanie April 21st, 2014

      @Min: Adding a whole baking tray with water will take away to much heat from your rolls because the water will absorb most of the heat. What works well is to heat a tray together with the oven and when you put the rolls in the oven, then pour about 100 ml of water on the tray. That will create steam immediately. Another way is to throw a handful of ice cubs on the tray, this reduce the risk to burn yourself with steam.

  3. Stefanie March 11th, 2012

    @Christine: Da habe ich in der Rezeptbeschreibung einen Fehler, denn ich weiß sicher, dass ich nur Butter, Zucker und die Orangenzesten verwendet habe. Das Mehl bitte streichen, ich überarbeite das Rezept so bald es geht.

    1. Christine March 11th, 2012

      Vielen Dank, Stefanie, für die schnelle Antwort, jetzt steht den Sternen und Brötchen nichts mehr im Wege 😉

  4. Christine March 11th, 2012

    Hallo Stefanie,

    will mir grade ein kleines Sonntagsgebäck backen. Der Teig geht grade, vielleicht kannst Du mir bei der Füllung noch helfen – Zutatenliste und Anleitung sind nicht ganz deckungsgleich. Mehl mit in die Füllung? Wieviel? Danke und schönen Sonntag!

  5. Petra aka Cascabel December 30th, 2011

    Die sehen wunderschön aus. Mich als Zitrus-Liebhaber spricht das Rezept natürlich besonders an 🙂

    Dir und den Deinen einen guten Rutsch und viele spannende neue Rezepte in 2012!

  6. clair December 30th, 2011

    Sehr, sehr lecker, nach den Sternen war das heute unser Frühstück. Danke für dieses leckere Rezept.


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