Monthly Archives: July 2009

July 27th, 2009

BBD#22: Streuselblatz mit Haselnüssen

100_8702 Als Blatz bezeichnet man im Rheinland süßes Hefebrot. In Kölner Bäckereien findet man leckere Variationen mit Rosinen, Haselnüssen oder eingebackenen Zuckerstücken, die im Teig schmelzen, zur Weihnachtszeit auch mit Orangat und Zitronat. Besonders köstlich ist aber der Streuselblatz der Bäckerei Schmitz & Nittenwilm, den ich mir, als ich noch an der Kölner Stadtgrenze wohnte, immer geholt habe. Leider gehörte er immer zu den Spezial-Angeboten, die nur selten, ein oder zwei Mal im Jahr für kurze Zeit im Angebot waren, so dass man nie wußte, wann es diese Köstlichkeit das nächste Mal gibt.

Und hier im Oberbergischen haben wir zwar einen Bäcker, der sich auf sehr guten Mohn-Streusel-Kuchen versteht, aber auf meinen Streuselblatz muss ich verzichten.

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July 26th, 2009

lemon spaghetti with parsley


I love fast recipe, especially on days  when we work both long. Then its very good to have something for Dinner that is easy to prepare. I found the recipe for lemon spagetti in the current issue of Schrot & Korn where they publish a lot of recipe for easy “after work kitchen”.

The recipe asked for tagliatelle but I found Spagetti instead. It was a perfect Dinner for a hot summer evening, light and refreshing. Comment of my boyfrind: “Unusal but good!” Continue reading

July 23rd, 2009

Blueberry Citrone Buttermilk Ice

Heidelbeer-Buttermilch-EisAfter the stracciatella icecream was not such a such a success last week, the “Gelateria  lab” get active again. We make Icecream with fruits of the season, that means that we decided on impulse in the supermarket, that the blueberries look very delicious, so we buy blueberries, citrons, buttermilk and cream, so we had every thing together to make a delicious icecream. We freeze the mixture with liquid nitrogen (again) but of course it is possible to use a ice machine for this purpose, too.

Who prefer a sweeter taste in icecream should increase the amount of sugar. The icecream is just slightly sweet, but I like that very much. Continue reading

July 22nd, 2009

Chocolate ice cream


After I prepared Chocolate sauce I use it for making ice cream.

Because we do not like egg in in our ice cream I used some starch to bind the mixture. This worked very well, the ice cream was very creamy. Continue reading

July 21st, 2009

Chocolate Sauce


To buy chocolade sauce is expensiv and it comes allways in to small flasks. But it is very easy to prepare homemade chocolade sauce. I make my chocolade sauce always with this recipe, it is easy, fast and cheap.

In 5 minutes I have about 200ml chocolade sauce that cost me not more than 1 Euro and I use fair traded organic incredients. The sauce taste like dark chocolate and you can store it for serveral weeks in the fridge.

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July 20th, 2009

Flax seeds bread

Leinsamenbrot (2)My sourdough slumbered for some time in my fridge so it was time to reactivate it and bake something with it. My last breads were simple ones without any seeds. So i decided to bake a flaxseed bread with sourdough and pâte fermentée. The pâte fermentée gives the bread a mild taste, what is better for me because sour bread makes my stomach aches.

I did not found a recipe for such a bread so I had to create a recipe of my own. The resulting breads was very tasty,  moist with hint of nuts. We take one of the three breads to my boyfrinds parents for barbeque, and it was eaten completely 😀 Continue reading

July 11th, 2009

Citron Yoghurt Icecream

It seems like we will have icecream regularly in our lab. 🙂 After we enjoy raspberry-red currant-icecream last week, everyone asked for more. We have now nice 25°C in lab, but that does not keep us from eating icecream.

This time we make a citron yoghurt icecream, that had a very nice fresh taste and would be a good refreshment on hoter days, too. I like it even more than the last one, but I am a big fan on citron icecream!

And we have a plan for next weeks icecream , too: Stracciatella. Continue reading

July 6th, 2009

Anouncing BreadBakingDay #22: Sweet Breads

breadbakingday22To my great delight Zorra from “1x umrühren bitte” asked me to host this month BreadBakingDay!

Bread Baking Day is a monthly event featuring bread and was created two years and 1 month ago from Zorra. We had a great Pizza-Party last month to celebrate its second birthday. Please visit the mouthwatering round-up on Zorras blog!
I thought long about the theme of this month and at the end I came back to my first thought: Sweet Breads. Although I love a good slice of whole grain bread for lunch or dinner, I prefer sweet bread for breakfast (especially on weekends).
So I would like to meet for a virtual breakfast with you and everyone brings the sweet bread she or he likes. You can bring Challahs, Blatz (a german sweet bread), Croissants, sweet buns … choose whatever you like (as long as it is bread and sweet 😉 ), then bake it and blog about it.

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July 5th, 2009

Farmer rolls

It is really hot at the moment, so I do not want to spend more time next to a hot oven then necessary. But on the other hand I want to have freshly baked bread for the next week. So what to do? Baking only once this weekend, but then a great amount.

To keep the overview over the diffrent recipes I created a schedule on which I marked all fermenting, proofing and baking times. It helps me in the lab on stressful days and it helps in the kitchen also. Continue reading