Category Archives: news

June 9th, 2017

Baking course review: Bread baking afternoon

DSC_34873 As you could see already last week at Instagram was the last baking course im Raum44 very successful. In a small group, we baked in just three hours an aromatic buttermilk loaf and a bunch of different shaped rolls. For the participants which were all beginners in baking it was a good opportunity to take a first step into the world of bread baking. And as you can see in the picture all were very successful in forming rolls and loaves. And beside kneading and forming there still enough time for all the questions and for bit of chatting.

And now I’m  thinking about the courses for the upcoming autumn and here I have a question: Would a course about “wheat free” baking with only spelt, emmer, einkorn and kamut interesting for you? I personally like the idea and would start working on recipes during the summer when there is some interest from your side.


December 6th, 2016

Nikolaus-Rabatt: Brotbacken für Anfänger


In Engelskirchen, in dem mit dem Christkind-Postamt in jedem Jahr in der Adventszeit himmlische Zeiten anbrechen, weihnachtet es bereits schon sehr. Und auch der Nikolaus war nicht untätig: Für den letzten Backkurs des Jahres (“Brotbacken für Anfänger” am 10. 12.) hat der Nikolaus heute einen  Rabatt für alle Kurzentschlossenen mitgebracht.

Wer also noch buchen möchte, findet alle Inforamtionen hier.

October 1st, 2016

Review: Baking course “Rolls”

Panousi FotografieAbout 200 rolls made from about 12kg flour, that was the outcome of a sucessful bread baking day. The theme of the successful second bread baking course  was “homemade rolls” and took place in “raum44”. I knew already from the first course that my time schedule was working properly but I was a bit nervous anyway. But as soon as the first cheerful participants arrived I relaxed as I realized that this was going to be great day!

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September 19th, 2016

Bread baking course for Beginners – A review

Brotbacken für Anfänger (38)Done! The first two bread baking courses are lying behind us.

The subtitle of the course could be “Some like it hot”, too, as the summer came back with full power at the end of  august. Even in the normaly cooler “Bergische Land” we reach temperatures above 30°C. Already at 10 o’clock it was hot, and the three ovens which were already running heated the room additionally. But that does not stop the participants – fearless they all dive into the dough.

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