June 13th, 2009

15 min-Ricotta-Gnocchi

After I had my homemade Ricotta, I did directly the next thing on my toDo list:  Ricotta-Gnocchi.

Since Nicky of  DelciousDays posted them in her Blog I could admire them allready at the blogs of Petra (Chili und Ciabatta) and Claudia (Fool for Food). The gnocchi looked so delicious, that I had to try them. Because in both post they tell that the dough is very sticky I was not afraid and resist the whish to add more flour. To form gnocchi with this sticky dough is easy, when you follow the recipe: “Generously flour a board, take a big tablespoon of the dough and scoop it onto the board. It gets dusted with flour (dust your hands generously, too!), before rolling it into a finger-thick roll”

The gnocchi bear their name rightfully: I decided around 1 p.m. that I want to make them for lunch and we had them on our plates at 1.15 p.m.  A very delicious meal!

The recipe is enough for to with not to much hunger, if served with a great portion salad.

15 min-Ricotta-Gnocchi

  • 250g Ricotta (Stefanie 200g Ricotta plus 50g Quark)
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 generous Pinch salt
  • 40g freshly grated Parmesan
  • 60g flour

Discard liquid the Ricotta’s packaging may contain, then mix all incredinets with a spoon. The dough will be sticky, but if you add more flour now, the gnocchi will be dense!

To form the gnocchi generously flour the countertop, take a big tablespoon of the dough and give it on the floured countertop. Now dust it with flour and roll into a  finger-thick roll.

Meanwhile heat a large pot of water untill it simmer, add some salt and asd the gnocchi and stir carefully, so they don’t stick to the bottom. Cook them untill they floating on the sureface. This take 2 to 4 minutes. Take them out with a skimmer.

Meanwhile melt 1 Tablespoon butter and add some sage and salt. Mix it with the gnocchi and serve immediately.

12 Responses t_on 15 min-Ricotta-Gnocchi

  1. Pingback: Bärlauch-Gnocchi | Hefe und mehr

  2. Pingback: Sollte jeder mal machen: 15-Minuten-Gnocchi « Mestolo

  3. Pingback: Foodfreak » Besser spät als nie: Ricotta-Gnocchi

  4. Sandra Nicole Trummer March 29th, 2010

    Ich werde dieses Rezept morgen mit Bärlauch dazu und geröstetem Bärlauch in Pflanzenöl probieren und bin schon sehr gespannt wie es mit Topfen (Quark) schmeckt.

    Das Wasser läuft mir schon im Mund zusammen.

  5. Pingback: Hefe und mehr » Blog Archive » Nachgekocht: Kürbis-Gnocchi

  6. Pingback: kochtopf.twoday.net

  7. Claudia June 21st, 2009

    Könnte ich auch schon wieder essen. Bei dieser Tour durch die Blogs zeigt sich: Das Rezept ist trotz des klebrigen Teiges wirklich einfach und eigentlich immer von Erfolg gekrönt.

  8. Reka June 20th, 2009

    Das richtige Rezept zur richtigen Zeit. Super! Mit 1 1/2 Rezepten sind wir ( 2 hungrige Erwachsene) gut satt geworden. Dazu frischer Salat aus Katrins Garten – was für ein tolles Abendbrot.


  9. nick June 15th, 2009

    That is a really pretty picture of the cut gnocchi on top there Stefanie. You should submit it to tastespotting.com

  10. Stefanie June 13th, 2009

    @ Ulrike: Der Post war mir irgendwie durchgegangen. Das ist wirklich wieder eines der Rezepte, dass seine Runde durch die Food-Blogs macht!
    @ elra: Thanks.


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