Daily Archives: 25th September 2010

September 25th, 2010

Potato rolls

Kartoffelbrötchen I love bread with potatos, a love I share with Zorra form 1x umrühren bitte. Last year I baked three diffrent breads with potatos:

Kartoffel-Bagel-Stars, whole wheat potato bread and Bauernbrötchen after a recipe of Bäcker Süpke. But this year I did not bake a potato bread untill now.

The inspriation for my potato rolls are the potato rolls which one of colleagues likes to buy for breakfast or lunch break. The bakery which made this rolls closed last week because to many students like to buy their bread in the terrible self-service “bakery” next door. So I tried to recreate the rolls.

I used a mixture of whole wheat and all-purpose flour and made square rolls.

The square shape is easy to create: I flatten the dough and cut it in squares with a dough scraper.

I serve this delicious rolls like this mushroom quiche at my birthday brunch. Continue reading