April 2nd, 2012

Puff pastry

In the past I was afraid of making homemade puff pastry – until I did it by myself for the first time. Then I realized that it’s not half as complicated as I thought it would be. Nowadays I like to make puff pastry by myself, because it taste much better then the bought one.

What I did with this batch of puff pastry I will tell you in the next posts!

Puff pastry


  • 250g flour Type 550
  • 120g Water
  • 5g lemon juice
  • 5g Salt
  • 25g Butter

Roll-in Butter

  • 250g Butter
  • 25g flour Type 550

Mix all ingredients for the dough and knead 5 min with hands until the soft but not sticky dough is formed. Place the dough in the fridge for 1 hours.

In the meantime mix butter with flour and roll it to a plate with an edge length of 30cm x 30xm.

Roll the dough to a square with an edge length of 45 cm x 45 cm and put the butter plate in the middle. Fold the dough over the butter and roll again. Fold the dough in thirds like a letter (single fold)and cool in the fridge for 30- 60 min.

Roll the dough again and fold from both sides into the middle and then fold in half (double fold). Rest the dough in fridge for 30 – 60 min.

Roll the dough again again. Fold the dough in thirds like a letter (single fold)and cool in the fridge for 30- 60 min.

Roll to a thickness of 0.3 cm and use for your favourite recipe.

9 Responses t_on Puff pastry

  1. Connie June 29th, 2012

    Thanks Stefanie, I just took my croissants out of the oven, they look delicious and beautiful. Thanks to your puff pastry. Easy dough and works great.

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  3. Friesi April 30th, 2012

    ich kaufe NIE wieder Blätterteig! Danke 🙂

  4. Friesi April 25th, 2012

    öhm…. wie gelingsicher ist der denn so? 🙂
    (super frage, ich weiss….)

    1. Stefanie April 25th, 2012

      @Friesi: Beim mir ist der Blätterteig direkt beim ersten Mal sehr gut gelungen, und alle weiteren Male auch. So gesehen würde ich sagen: 100% 😉 (jedenfalls bei mir).
      Solange man ihn zwischendurch ausreichend kühlt ist Blätterteig eigentlich nicht schwierig, sondern nur zeitaufwendig.

  5. anies delight April 4th, 2012

    Dein Rezept klingt so einfach. Vielleicht sollte ich mich endlich mal wieder an Blätterteig wagen. Bisher habe ich es noch nie geschafft, dass er schmeckte. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass ich es mit Dinkelmehl probiere?

  6. Pingback: Hefe und mehr » Blog Archive » Blätterteig-Käse-Schnecken

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