Tag Archives: Egg

December 23rd, 2012

Round braided Rolls

Runde ZopfbrötchenDoes this happen to you, too? You bake something, write down the recipe and then you did not post it. And after some time you even forget about it. That happend to me with this round braided rolls, which I baked the first time somewhere in the summer. They taste  good  but I was not satisfied with the picture. And so I forget this rolls completely.

Unitll  Micha posted her beautiful Flechtwerk. Then I suddenly remembered that once I took detailed pictures of the braiding. But with the picture of the final roll I was still not satisfied. And so I baked them once again for a breakfast with my sister and my niece. The dough was easy to handle and after I once understand how to braid round bread, they take not so much time to braid.

They look very elegant due to the braided form – perfect for a holiday breakfast. Vanilla give them a rich taste with some complex aroma which they developed during their long proofing. Their crust is soft, as desired when baking sweet bread, and their crumb is fluffy.


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July 9th, 2011


PavlovaWhy did I wait so long until I tried this recipe? I don’t know! It is a simple recipe with three components that promise dessert heaven on earth: Meringue, cream and fresh fruits. And like Eton Mess  the magic of pavlova consists of this mixture of crunchy and soft, sweet and sour and this made the dessert irresistible.

I saw Pavlovas on many food blogs before: Claudia bake them, and Paule, Nicky and Barbara made them some time ago, too. And every time I read one of their posts I thought: I have to try this! But I didn’t do it until this weekend. When we bought some delicious berries (strawberries, blueberries and raspberries) I decided that they would be great for a pavlova.

I like the miniature version of the dessert that Claudia bake and so I decided to do single portion pavlovas with a diameter of only 10 cm and a little pit in the middle to keep the cream.

The recipe is really simple only waiting for the meringue to bake/dry takes some time. And you will be rewarded with a delicious dessert for your patient waiting! A great recipe for the summer!

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May 28th, 2011


MadeleineMarcel Proust connected the taste of Madeleines with memories of his childhood, as he described in “Remembrance of things past”. I do not have any associatations of the taste of Madeleins with memories of my days as a child because the first time I ate a madeleine is only some weeks ago when I used my new madeleine pan for the first time.

But it was love on the first bite. They are a little bit crisp when they are fresh from the oven with a spongy crumb.

Their taste a little bit eggy and my sister told me that their taste reminds her at the egg cookies we ate when we were children (and there he is, the “Proust moment”). My recipe is fructose reduced and lactose free because I used rice malt syrup and Margarine. Of course you can replace the margarine with butter and the syrup with a mild creamy honey like spring flower honey or fruit flower honey when you don`t have to think about such restrictions.

I made the madeleine at the moment often, they are so delicious, beautiful and so easy and fast to bake!

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October 16th, 2010


ToastbrotThis bread results from a misunderstanding. My boyfriend asked if I could bake this delicious “Toastbrot” again. He was thinking about this bread that I baked already in different a Variation for last World Bread Day. I used this fast and easy recipe often in the last month because it is delicious and easy. And delicious and easy recipes were what was needed in the last busy month.

But I would never call it “Toastbrot”. It is very soft and fluffy for a whole wheat bread but typical “Toastbrot” is a white bread for me.

So I designed a recipe for a soft white sandwich bread and vanished into the kitchen. And when I just started to put the loaves into the pans my boyfrind look into the kitchen, take a look into the pans and asked me puzzled what I was baking. Well, that’s toastbrot, isn’t it? Continue reading

December 5th, 2009

Endive Stamppot with fried eggs


Recipes for cooking are rare in this blog. Its not because I do not cook, but while baking means time for relax cooking is an everyday work for me. But this stamppot is one of my favourites and deserves its own post.

I get the recipe with my weekly bag with organic produced vegetable and now I am cooking it when ever I have endives in this bag. Its a perfect recipe for me: mashed potatos with some green vegetable – I love this kind of dishes.

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