December 31st, 2015

Best of 2015

Best of 2015 klein

2015 was not always an easy year for me. I had to change my work as my time in my “Ph.d.”-lab ended and there were several cases of illness in the family. And, as I told a friend recently: It’s reliving to know that 2015 is ending soon. But in the private storms I was very happy to have my blog and kitchen as hiding place for some hours from stress and sorrow. And while I’m happily looking forward to the end of my private year 2015 I still like to take a look back at the Blog year 2015.

One project that went along most of the year was the bread baking course for beginners, which yields great recipes like this Roll recipe or the Salzstangerl and which ended in december in a small ebook (but only in German).

Another on-going topic of this year was jams made without gelling sugar, and this  Raspberry and Red Currant Jam is just one example for the delicious jams we cooked this summer and autumn.

My Falafel recipe had his big trial in the summer when I made 100 pieces for a Ph.d. party buffet. And as the recipe was not published on the blog to that time point, I “had” to make them again the following weekend for some nice pictures!

After a lot of tweaking I finally found this year my personal favourite burger, the ABC-Burger, which is made of aubergine, red beet and Champignon mushrooms. And as chickpeas are used to hold everything together, this burger is – unintentional– not only vegeterian but vegan.

Like in the year before, there where many breads which I baked with my favourite sourdough, the  sweet Starter. And that this is possible even with whole grain shows this Wholegrainy Bread with sweet Starter. And for sweet stuff like Berliner Ballen the starter is always a good choice.

Of course there was the one or other mousse cake this year as well. For the newspaper of the university of cologne I created this little Cinnamon mousse cake with apple Curd.

My “experimental”Christstollen is made without bakers yeast and a good choice for sourdough purists. It develops its own flavour notes and is a delicious as its traditional sibling.

Delicious is the Swan King Bread as well and I’m very happy that Oliver asked for a recipe. If there are more questions for recipes in the next year, I will be very happy!

A recipe trill is this 80/20 Wheat and Rye Bread with its siblings Walnut bread and Göppinger Bread. When I bake a recipe in three variants is always a sign how much we liked it.

And finally there was the Wiener Patzerlgugelhupf, a good cake to use up leftovers nuts and jams from Christmas baking. It will find its way on our table in the new year again for sure.

That was the year 2015 here in the blog. I would like to thank all my readers for your visits, your nice comments and emails. These feedbacks are always so motivating for me! I hope, you will come back next year and if you find the time to drop a comment every now and then I’m even more happy! And so I wish you and your familys a great new years eve and a happy year 2016!

6 Responses t_on Best of 2015

  1. Helga Leiner-Büker December 31st, 2015

    Liebe Stefanie,
    ich möchte mich herzlich bei dir bedanken. Du hast in diesem Jahr die Begeisterung fürs Brot backen bei mir geweckt. Ich bin dir besonders für Deine Sauerteig Anleitung dankbar. Ich wünsche dir alles Gute für 2016 und weiterhin viel Spaß am Backen und entwickeln neuer Rezepte.
    Einen guten Rutsch Helga

  2. Manuela December 31st, 2015

    Liebe Stefanie!
    Dankeschön für deinen Blog und die viele Arbeit, die du damit hast! Es ist sehr schön, dass du dir die Zeit nimmst, alles mit uns zu teilen und uns deine tollen Rezepte weitergibst. Ich freue mich darauf, auch im neuen Jahr bei dir vorbei zu schauen!
    Ich wünsche dir für 2016 alles Gute, viel Gesundheit und Freude bei allem, was du tust!
    Liebe Grüße

  3. Bäckerin December 31st, 2015

    Vielen Dank für diesen wunderbaren Blog und für die Tipps, die ich hier bekommen habe. Wenn ich etwas Besonderes backen will, schlage ich hier nach. Ich wünsche einen backfreudiges und glückliches Neues Jahr.


  4. M. December 31st, 2015

    Danke an Dich für ein weiteres Jahr leckerer Rezepte,von denen ich schon ein paar ausprobiert, aber noch viele mehr auf meiner gedanklichen wuschliste stehen habe. Guten Rutsch !


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