January 26th, 2019

Emmer Baguette

Having a cold means for me today, that I had to stayed warmly tugged under a blanket on the sofa instead of baking bread in a wood fired oven. To avoid getting to grumpy about that fact I decided to look back on past baking adventures: For Christmas eve I promised to bring some baguette.  […]

May 31st, 2018

Spelt Einkorn Baguette

For a family BBQ I had opted for bringing bread (anyone surprised by this?). And as I had some left over Einkorn flour from the Ein-Korn-Rolls I baked last week, my plan was made fast: Spelt Baguette with a good amount of whole Einkorn flour. As Einkorn has the tendency to destablize the gluten network, […]

August 9th, 2015

Bread Baking for Beginner XIX: Baguette with Pâte Fermentée

Another wish for the Bread Baking Course was Baguette. And Baguette dough is a simple dough: You need just flour, water, yeast and salt. But when it comes to forming and slashing, it gets way more complicated. Only one thing can help with this: Practice! For slashing you actually don’t have to even bake baguette, […]

October 19th, 2014

Quinoa Baguette

The pseudo grain quinoa is a fast side dish I like to make instead of rice. The flat seeds stems from the Andens and are packed with protein and minerals and they are delicious! So I was directly hooked when I saw a bread made with a relative high percentage of quinoa because they contain […]

January 26th, 2014

Baguette with sweet Starter

I planned to post about a potato bread today (something I will do later this week) but the result of an experiment I baked this weekend made me so enthusiastic that I could not wait to share the recipe with you!
It is a recipe for a baguette made with sweet starter – a very active but not sour sourdough – and a 24 hours rise in the fridge. The Idea to this baguette came to me when I taste a little bit sweet starter which I kept in the fridge for some days. The complexity of the flavour was fascinating. Despite the time the sourdough spent in the fridge it did not taste tangy or acidic. It has a mild flavour of lactic acid, like you would expect it in crème fraiche. Beside that I could taste fruity tones and slight alcoholic taste due to the high activity of the yeast. It was a taste I wanted to catch in a bread!

Eigendlich wollte ich dieses Wochenende ein Kartoffelbrotrezept posten (was ich auch noch nachholen werde), doch das Ergebnis meines wochenentlichen Experiments hat mich derart begeistert, da wollte ich es euch nicht vorenthalten!
Es handelt sich dabei um ein Baguette, das ich mit Süßem Starter – also einem extrem triebstarken, nicht saurem Sauerteig – und 24-stündiger Stockgare im Kühlschrank gebacken habe. Auf die Idee kam ich, als ein bisschen süßen Starter probierte, der einige Tage im Kühlschrank gestanden hatte. Die Aromenvielfalt, die in diesem Teig steckten, fasznierte mich. Der Sauerteig hatte trotz der langen Zeit im Kühlschrank nur eine ganz dezentes Milchsäurearoma, zart und mild, wie von Crème fraiche. Dazu kamen leicht fruchtige Noten und ein leicht alkohliger Duft, der auf die starke Aktivität der Hefen hinwies. Diese Aromen wollte ich ihn einem Brot einfangen!