July 26th, 2019

French Toast

The last two weeks were busy ones.  My sister is moving and so I spent the beginning of the summer holidays with sorting stuff out, packing boxes, carrying furniture from the third level to the transporter and renovating. My own household tasks were left alone during that time. And so I spend my first “real” […]

August 23rd, 2015


I do both rather seldom: Baking soft sandwich bread and baking during the week. Normally my bread baking day is at the weekend and so I need special circumstances to take the flour from the cupboard during a working week. But an tooth emergency leaded to a small oral surgery and subsequently to chewing problems. […]

October 16th, 2010


This bread results from a misunderstanding. My boyfriend asked if I could bake this delicious “Toastbrot” again. He was thinking about this bread that I baked already in different a Variation for last World Bread Day. I used this fast and easy recipe often in the last month because it is delicious and easy. And […]

March 30th, 2014

(Deutsch) Errata zu “Hefe und mehr – Lieblingsbrote selbstgebacken”

(Deutsch) Leider findet man selbst bei aufmerksamster Korrektur vor dem Druck nicht alle Fehler in einem Buch. Daher sammele ich die mir bislang bekannten Fehler samt ihrer Korrektur auf dieser Seite. Größenangabe für Gärkörbchen: Gärkörbchen für 750g Toastbrot, Seite 71: Beim Teig fehlt in der Zutatenliste der Water roux Kräuterfächer, Seite 104: fehlende Mehl Type […]